If you are reading this page because you have lost a baby, whether recently or long ago, we are very sorry for your loss. All of us in Aberdeen Sands have suffered the tragic loss of a much-loved baby.


We know how it feels – the grief, the isolation, and the intense emotions.  We are just like you, parents whose precious babies have died.  Only other bereaved families can truly understand the feelings of loss and despair.  You may not want anything from us right away but we are here to help whenever you feel you need it.  That may be now or in a few weeks months or even years.


At SANDS there are people who understand what it’s like because many of us have been through this experience ourselves, and through this website, we hope to keep you connected with other members of the Aberdeen SANDS group and give you support and information.

About Us

Aberdeen SANDS is part of the Sands UK-wide network of local groups, offering emotional support and practical help if your baby has died during pregnancy, at birth or soon afterwards.  Aberdeen SANDS is managed by a committee of volunteers, all of whom are bereaved parents.

Get Support

Aberdeen SANDS supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. We offer emotional support and information for parents, grandparents, siblings, children, families and friends, health professionals and others.

Support for Healthcare Professionals

One of SANDS core aims is to improve the quality of care offered during pregnancy and in the event of a baby dying.  We work in partnership with health professionals and others throughout Grampian to minimise the risks of stillbirth and to ensure the families of those babies who do die receive the best possible care

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